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4D Systems gen4-IoD Internet of Displays

Author : 4d systems Published Time : 2017-07-24
4D Systems gen4-IoD Internet of Displays are designed for easy integration into applications where space are limited. The gen4-IoD are available in 2.4", 2.8", or 3.2" color TFT LCD displays, with resistive touch. The displays are powered by the WiFi-enabled ESP8266, which offers an array of functionality and options. The gen4-IoD are easily programmed using 4D Systems Workshop4 or the Arduino IDE installed with the ESP8266 core.


Powerful intelligent LCD-TFT display module powered by the Espressif ESP8266 SoC320x240 resolution, RGB 65K true-to-life colors, TFT screen with integrated 4-wire resistive touch panelBuilt in Wi-Fi suitable for Internet of Things (IoT) applications802.11b/g/n/e/i supportIntegrated TCP/IP protocol stackWi-Fi 2.4GHz, supporting WPA/WPA2 and WEP/TKIP/AES, along with STA/AP/STA+AP/P2P operation modes4Mbit (512kb) of flash memory for user application code and data128Kb of SRAM of which 80kb is available for the userDOS compatible file access (FAT16 or FAT32 format)