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ams TMD3725 3-in-1 Color Sensor Module

Author : Ams Published Time : 2019-07-22
ams TMD3725 3-in-1 Color Sensor Module offers advanced proximity measurement, color sense (RGBC+IR), and digital ambient light sensing (ALS) in a single compact package. The TMD3725 Module incorporates an IR LED and factory calibrated LED driver. The proximity detection feature provides object detection by photodiode detection of reflected IR energy, sourced by the integrated LED. Detect / release events are interrupt driven, and occur when proximity result crosses upper and/or lower threshold settings. The proximity engine features offset adjustment registers to compensate for unwanted IR energy reflection at the sensor. Proximity results are further improved by automatic ambient light subtraction. 


Color light sensor, proximity sensor, and ambient light sensingProvides <10% CCT accuracyDesign flexibility for dark glass and placementLow power consumptionEnables dark room to sunlight operationCompensates for unwanted IR energy system crosstalk reflection


Supply Voltage: 1.7V to 2.0VI2C Bus: 1.8VProgrammable: Gain, Integration time, InterruptTemperature Range: -30°C to +85°C


Display backlight controlColor temperature sensing to assist backlight, camera, and flash control