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Cypress Semiconductor CY8CKIT-148-COIL Breakout Board

Author : Cypress semiconductor Published Time : 2019-08-09
Cypress Semiconductor CY8CKIT-148-COIL Breakout Board is an easy-to-use and inexpensive evaluation platform. The board is compatible with the CY8CKIT-148 PSoC 4700S Inductive Sensing Evaluation Kit, where MagSense Inductive Sensing with various coils can be evaluated. The Inductive Sensing Coil Breakout board features 16 total inductive sensing coils which demonstrate different performance characteristics.


Proximity and touch detection using a single sensorRotation angle detection with a rotary encoder

Kit Contents

CY8CKIT-148-COIL Inductive Sensing Coil Breakout BoardOne FPC Cable