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IDT (Integrated Device Technology) ZMOD4510 Outdoor Air Quality Sensors

Author : Idt Published Time : 2019-07-30
IDT (Integrated Device Technology) ZMOD4510 Outdoor Air Quality (OAQ) Sensors are the smallest pre-calibrated digital sensor designed for reliable outdoor air quality detection. These sensors allow improved energy efficiency with less than 23mW of power consumption in continuous operation without compromising on air quality. The ZMOD4510 sensors feature electrical and gas calibration, proven MOx material, digital (I2C) output, and siloxane resistance. Leading high-sensitivity and long term stability allow ppb detection limits. These sensors correlate with US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Air Quality Index (AQI). Typical applications include city air monitoring stations, personal monitors including wearables, smart fans, and home and building automation systems.


Reliable OAQ detectionProven MOx materialElectrical and gas calibratedDigital (I2C) outputSiloxane resistantLeading high sensitivity and long term stability allows ppb detection limits


Home and building automation systems, including HVAC systemsSmart fans and damper applications