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Melexis MLX91209 Hall Effect Current Sensor

Author : Melexis Published Time : 2018-05-24
Melexis MLX91209 Hall Effect Current Sensor is a fully customer-programmable monolithic sensor IC packaged in standard SIP package. The MLX91209 Hall Current Sensor provides a high speed analog output signal proportional to the external applied flux density, enabling developers to construct a precise current sensor solution with a fast response time of 3µs.


Programmable high speed current sensorProgrammable linear transfer characteristicFast response time <3µsMeasurement range from 15 to 450mTWideband: DC to 200kHzFast analog output (12 bits resolution DAC)


Automotive - Hybrid and Electric PowertrainIndustrial and RoboticsBuilding, Security, Home and Office Automation